Due to a lack of interest in congregating in groups (thanks again, COVID…) we will not be holding the ladies only “Vison Board and 2021 Reset Seminar” this coming Sunday , 1/3/21. We will re-schedule it for another date later on down the road.

However, regardless if you are male or female or how old you are, Allison Joy Wellness is offering the 21-Day Reset and Detox Program to our CFC family at a reduced rate of $100/person instead of the normal $150/person cost!

This 21-Day Reset and Detox program has been utilized and proven by several CFC members and AJW clients with great success and it’s the perfect way to clear out the junk of the holidays, the stink of 2020, and get ready for an awesome 2021!

If you are interested, please email Allison at: Allisonjoywellness@gmail.com to set up an appointment for details and starting measurements!

For more information on the 21-Day Reset and Detox Program, you can visit www.allisonjoywellness.com or contact Allison directly!

Don’t pass up an opportunity to start a new year on the right path!